About the Publisher


About the Publisher

Asian Journals Publishing embarked on its journey in the publishing in 2018, originally operating under the banner of Educators and Researchers Association in the Asian Region, Inc. This organization, duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines, had been actively involved in organizing conferences since its inception in 2018, playing a pioneering role in the Asian region. However, recognizing the need for strategic restructuring and focusing on a niche area within the academic sphere, the board made a pivotal decision to focus only from research organization to publishing endeavors in 2021.

With a same vision and mission, the organization now channels its efforts towards contributing to the academic community through the dissemination of high-quality research and scholarly works. Leveraging its accumulated expertise and networks garnered from its previous engagements, Asian Journals Publishing is committed to fostering an environment conducive to the exchange of knowledge and ideas across various disciplines.
At the heart of Asian Journals Publishing’s operations are two flagship publications: the Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology and the Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. These journals serve as platforms for scholars, researchers, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to share their insights, discoveries, and innovations. By facilitating the publication of cutting-edge research findings and fostering interdisciplinary discourse, Asian Journals Publishing aims to contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge and academic discourse in the Asian region and beyond.

To be a recognized leader in academic publishing in the asian region, fostering the dissemination of groundbreaking research in internationally indexed journals.

We are dedicated to facilitating the publication of high-impact research in internationally indexed journals, advancing knowledge, and driving innovation across disciplines.

Strategic Goals (with the Acronym ERAAR)
Elevate Editorial Excellence: Ensure top-tier publication standards.
Redefine Academic Engagement: Foster interdisciplinary collaboration.
Amplify Research Impact: Increase visibility and accessibility.
Advance Open Access Initiatives: Promote unrestricted research access.
Revolutionize Scholarly Communication: Embrace technological innovation.